Friday, July 18, 2008

Shifting Perspectives

The thing about traveling in an RV is, everything shifts. What you had tucked securely and tightly away comes flying at you when you open a cabinet. Your pills, for instance. The top was on, securely. The bottles were lined up, tightly. So why did the Liptor smack you in the forehead and spill its contents into the (wet) sink, which then eased slowly and inexorably towards the drain before you could gather the pills up, drying each of them individually on paper towels, and reinsert them into the bottle?

I’m having a power struggle with my dog. Who belongs in the passenger seat, the seat that reclines comfortably and lets you enjoy the ride from the catbird perspective? The one who got there first? (Zeus) Or the one who paid half the price of the motor home?

Having spent a week alone with his person, John, where he was the equal partner in just about every endeavor, Zeus seems to feel that I am the intruder. And that I should LIE DOWN in the dog bed while he enjoys the view. Which, I should point out, cost $39.95 and has a lining that softer than my best cashmere sweater.

He’d be fine with sitting on my lap, as long as I scratch his many itchy places non-stop. Take one five-second break, and I find myself gently but firmly reminded that the bargain has been broken, and he has been scratchless longer than is acceptable.

1 comment:

kiwicuz said...

I regret not warring with the google sign in system several days ago when u mentioned jangling cutlery and shifting cups whilst u travel. It wouldnt let me in. I'll try Plan E Part 5. My message old caravanners trick for stopping the rattling is to put bed pillows on top of all your cups and plates and anything that jangles. Yeah baby, just stuff it into the cupboard. Remove 'em on arrival. Am also chuckling at your unbudgeted cost of retirement thus far. Got any room on the roof for a vege garden?