Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Nice Fire

We’re sitting outside at 8:30 on Saturday night. I have on my nightgown, my raincoat and my flipflops. John has built a fire but the $4 worth of wood we bought is wet from the rain, so he’s adding pages of the Woodall Camp Directory, and the (probably mahogany) wood from the built-in television box that we no longer need.

This needs an explanation. We had a perfectly good television in the bedroom, but for some reason John felt the need for a flat-screen TV, so first we got a 19 inch set, which didn’t fit the wood box and showed all the unfinished interior and I got upset so we got another one – at 21”, bigger and more filling, as one might put it. But the frame now didn’t work with the new set, which extends about 2” out at the base, so we took the frame off and are currently burning it in the fire pit. It makes a nice fire.

If you need a schematic to understand this story, please send SASE to me at Box 4886, New York, NY 10163.

1 comment:

Chris said...

You know, Betty, schematics are my specialty, what with all the set designing for the theater...I could have drawn up plans to turn the mahogany TV cubby into a lovely jewelry box for you, or maybe a fashionable gun/skeet rack for John?? Well, I suppose with a few minor adjustments, I could work what's left of it into a nice stick of Charcoal Grey eyeliner? Let me know. I'm around.
Love, Chris