Friday, July 25, 2008

BA in RV

July 23, in motion.

I think I’m going to create a course, no-credit of course, for RVers. It will include such subjects as Sweeping the Rug, Sweeping the Rug While Searching for a Broken Fingernail, (part of a $60 Pink and White Gel Manicure, a desperate attempt to hold on to my grooming while setting off in a machine determined to undermine same).

Other valuable lessons will include Sandwich Making While in Motion, with a graduate course in Staying Upright (with credit going towards a degree in New York City Subway Riding). Making the Bed on One’s Knees, How to Keep Sponges from Turning Black with Mold (when I perfect this technique, this course will be offered, but right now it’s a TBD), Rules for Sliders (do not pull in slider before checking the dog’s dish or you’ll have water all over the floor; do not put out slider next to a tree without checking first; do not stand too close to slider in motion in bare feet, etc.)

I could probably include a course having to do with driving this thing, but while I’m an expert backseat driver, I’m still only permitted on the wide-open road and there isn’t much skill to that.

1 comment:

Dinty said...


I love The Tree!
The others, too.
