St. Mary's Georgia
I do not want to live in a town with signs like this. Any town that would permit people to post their personal religious signs on their lawns is no town for me.
It's prejudice. Whoremongers and adulterers are people too. Where are they going to live if not in St. Mary's, Georgia? Should they travel the roads, welcome nowhere, living off the kindness of strangers and stranger people? I thought all that went out with the Civil War.
Who's going to provide the fun evenings, if not for them? Even if we're not inclined to join them, are we to be denied the pleasure of sitting around of an evening and judging them? Shall we then turn the spotlight on ourselves and begin to pick at our personal foibles? The overeaters among us? The ones who sleep in on Sunday? The speeders? I think not.
And what's a monger anyway? Do mongers produce mongrels? Do mongers live in mangers? Is that why the "g" sounds different in each word? So you can tell them apart if you run into a monger in a manger?
Do you suppose they have any whoremongers or adulterers in those garbage cans? Those are pretty big cans. The house wasn't that big. Just a little ranch on a side street.
No. I'm moving on. Religious prejudice is too upsetting.
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