Thursday, January 13, 2011

Don't Miss Places I've Been To

Dear Anonymous,

Thanks for reading my blog. I sure wish you'd told me your name. You know mine. And this blog doesn't allow for private replies, so here are my suggestions for must-do's in the Colorado and nearby areas.

The most wonderful place in the US to visit could well be the Grand Canyon, unless of course you're in Wyoming and in sight of the Grand Tetons. Then of course there's always Yellowstone with its thousands of geysers, wildlife roaming at will, and spectacular views from virtually every point in the park.

Of course, that ignores South Dakota's unbelievable and immense and breathtaking Mt. Rushmore, probably the world's best-kept national treasure, and situated in the world's most interesting forest, a place where getting lost is a gift you must give yourself.

Denver didn't rock my world, by the way. I preferred Colorado's ski towns, and Pike's Peak where for some reason only a sugar donut and coffee could help me cope with the rarified atmosphere.

All in all, most of what I have enjoyed are gifts of Mother Nature, not the accomplishments of man, but then again, that would ignore all the fabulous museums like Atlanta's, all the gorgeous buildings and amazing bridges I've seen. And Canada. I loved Eastern Canada, and have Western Canada on my bucket list.

Today I took a tram up to the top of a mountain in, of all places, Palm Springs, California. I marveled at both the mountain and the tram that took us up there, a feat of engineering only the Swiss could have performed. The inside floor rotated so that everybody could have a 360 degree view twice during the ride. And that was just one little activity of many that have had a lasting impact. I came back to the coach and watched Judge Judy. Talk about culture shock.

Go. Experience. Have some destinations, and national parks are great places to head for, but along the way, open your eyes and your door to things you haven't anticipated. Otherwise, I wouldn't have seen that Indian village completely built into a cliff, where they pulled the ladders up each night to keep marauders out, and I would have missed the Petrified Forest, where every dead tree is a gem of inestimable value. I'd heard of it, but didn't even know where it was until we stumbled across it. Sometimes the accidents are as much fun or more than the events you've planned.

Have a great time, and please do let me know how your trip was. And please don't sign your letter Anonymous. I have more Anonymous friends than I can deal with at this point, and I'd love to know which one you are.

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