Monday, August 10, 2009

The Real Petosky

Bay Harbor Motor Coach Resort
Petoskey MI

A few updates to my blog of the other day:

First of all, I never did find the Petosky Bowlarama. I did find the Bay Harbor Golf Club, the Bay Harbor Resort Village, the Bay Harbor Equestrienne Club, four other golf clubs with various high falutin’ names, six other resort villages, all gated so I was not allowed in, the Bay Harbor Yacht Club, the Crooked Tree Golf Resort, our own current homestead, the Signature Bay Harbor Motor Coach Resort, and … you get the message. Oops. Marylou is now Sunny, Fred is now Frederic, and the venue is the yacht club. Otherwise, the story remains the same.

Next, to borrow a bit from Gertrude Stein, Mackinaw is Mackinac is Mackinaw is Mackinac, and everything is pronounced Mackinaw. Something about Mackinac/aw being close to French Canada, claims to this land, and the variations on pronunciation, although I fail to see how a C can be silent, but it is. That’s not to say that Saginaw has a Saginac. No, that just didn’t happen. Phew. That’s a relief.

One of the sweet waitresses here told me that there is a parcel of land up north that is registered in England, France, Canada and the US of A, the last claim being by some “indigent” people from these parts. I’m pretty sure she meant indigenous. Although I would vote for the poor people if I had a vote. They deserve some consideration, don’t you think? And given how hot this area is in terms of real estate, it would be quite a windfall.

Land on Lake Michigan can get into the upper atmosphere, and the views are pretty dear too. And, by the way, it’s only a six-month town. Everything closes down for the “pretty cold” winter, according to that selfsame waitress. I’ll bet. These are the people that invented mukluks, I’m pretty sure. The people who wear animal fur and nobody throws red paint on them. That’s because the paint freezes in the can.

So Petoskey surprised me, and taught me not to make snap judgments. That being said, I have to tell you that there definitely is a Petoskey Plastics Corp. next to the Bay Harbor Yacht Club. And I’m pretty certain that they have a bowling lane for their employees in the basement.

Hey, I saw a Kia in the parking lot. So?


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